Our Story:
When Danie was in his final year in high school all he wanted to do was to become an actor, but instead, the Lord called him into ministry. He laid down his love of acting before the Lord and become a pastor in a church. For seven years he never went on stage or even visited a theatre. Then the Lord showed him that the talent he has comes from God and the Lord wants to use that talent to advance the Kingdom. So after serving in a congregation for ten years, Danie left the pastoral ministry to start a drama ministry.
The first play that he wrote and directed, after going into drama ministry full time, was the musical ‘Rut' (Ruth) which tells a story of God's provision and faithfulness. How He provided for Ruth, a widow from Moab, when she followed her mother in law, Naomi to the town of Bethlehem in Judea. There she met Boas and as this beautiful love story unfold, they fell in love and God gave them a son called Obed whose name means ‘servant'. And from their lineage, another servant was to be born in Bethlehem... Jesus Christ the Messiah, who gave His life so we can live.
The story spoke to Danie's heart and he decided to call his drama ministry ‘Obed' or servant because that is what we want to do: To serve our Lord and Savior by telling stories to advanced God's kingdom. This was in 2001 and ever since the Lord has been faithful, in providing for us and helping us to produce among other, numerous musicals, stage plays, puppet shows, and short films, as well as help, produce a sitcom for television. We dream of creating more shows for the small screen and also making full-length feature films. Please pray for us and support our ministry.
What do we do?
- We create unique and original stage productions, skits, TV shows, films, and puppet shows.
- We perform at theatres, schools, churches and festivals.
- We create opportunities for Christen artists so they can use and develop their talents in service of God’s Kingdom.
- We serve the Lord with joy, passion and energy.
- We equip the body of Christ to use storytelling as a means to further the gospel.
- We’re letting the light of Christ shine in the arts and entertainment industry.